How to reduce a building's carbon emissions - pt 2

How to reduce a building's carbon emissions - pt 2
How to reduce a building's carbon emissions - pt 2
How to reduce a building's carbon emissions - pt 2
How to reduce a building's carbon emissions - pt 2
Catriona Brady Pt2 reducing a buildings carbon emissions



One of the greatest opportunities with the circular economy is the opportunity to add value to materials that are currently being considered as waste. 

Catriona Brady, Director of Strategy and Development at the World Green Building Council explains how with circularity we can retain value in materials and reduce waste.

“There are some estimates that say a city, the size of Paris is being built every single week and the raw materials being used for that, the energy being used for that is absolutely monumental,” says Catriona. 

However the way that we currently use our materials is very linear. “We take, we make we use and we dispose,” says Catriona. This has long term impacts on the planet, so circularity has emerged as a way to counter this waste.